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Success of The Annual Blood Donation Camp held in 2018 & 2019

Without celebrating the birthday by organizing grand birthday parties as conventional, Mr. Dudley Sirisena has put his mind to make an unpurchaseable contribution to the society with the incomparable assistance of the members of the Araliya Lands family in reaching a helping hand to the betterment of the livelihood in Sri Lanka by organizing a Blood Donation Camp. This event was held on 28th of October 2019 at Araliya Lands head Office at Kadawatha, under the theme “Donate your blood for a reason and let that reason be life because every drop counts.”

The event was held successfully with the participation of Mr. Dudley Sirisena, Hons. Chairman of Araliya group of companies, his wife Mrs. Angela Sirisena and the members of the Araliya groups. Many people joined with the programme in donating their blood which was appreciated with certificate and gift packs. This Blood donation camp is held annually and was successfully held in the previous year on 30th of October 2018, at Aralia Lands Head Office as usual.